Now For Something Completely Different (NFSCD) with Brian Wilson

The Week So Far -- Brian Wilson and James Bovard Ep 17

Season 2 Episode 17

In this week's exciting adventure, the Two and Only discuss President Biden's trip to Ireland, beer (of course), Farm subsidies, agriculture and chicken farming, Food Stamps and obesity and... witch hazel.

Jim Bovard's website

Brian Wilson is a nationally-known radio and television host, author, speaker, and consultant with more than 50 years experience in media as host, News/Program Director, and Owner. His periodic scribblings can be found on Substack and his website. You can find ALL of Brian's podcasts on his Substack page.

On Facebook, check out Brian's page along with his 50 Stories: 50 Years in Radio page and of course, the Now For Something Completely Different Facebook page. Brian's books can be found on Amazon.

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