Now For Something Completely Different (NFSCD) with Brian Wilson
Brian Wilson is a nationally-known radio and television host, author, speaker, and consultant with more than 50 years experience in media as host, News/Program Director, and Owner. His periodic scribblings can be found on Substack and his website.
Wilson is the author of four books – 50 Stories: 50 Years in Radio (2018), Watercolor Memories - The Story of Lauren (2017), The Little Black Book on Whitewater (1996) and A Media Guide for Market-Liberal Organizations (1993). Brian's books can be found on Amazon.
As the founder of Vacation Relief, Inc. (VRINK), Brian was the first major-market talk radio host to substitute around the country for vacationing talkers without leaving the comfort of his digitally-equipped home studio. Wilson hosted radio programs in Seattle, Portland, Sacramento, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Kansas City, Dallas-Fort Worth, San Antonio, Austin, Charlotte, Atlanta, Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia, San Francisco, New York, and other cities, as well as nationally syndicated shows.
On Facebook, check out Brian's page along with his 50 Stories: 50 Years in Radio page and of course, the Now For Something Completely Different page.
Now For Something Completely Different (NFSCD) with Brian Wilson
The Week So Far -- Brian Wilson and James Bovard Ep 6
"There was a standard which I aspired to, and that is to make sure any criticism I make is accurate. I don't need to include everything the government said in its defense, because for most of these agencies, a lot of what they say is crap... but then that's the same thing they say about my articles." -- JB
"It actually becomes incumbent upon the news consumer, if there is indeed such a thing, to do the compare/contrast, back and forth and come to a conclusion; well, these people over here can't be counted on or trusted to bring forth the facts, these people over here can be, so I'll balance my consumption." -- BW
Jim Bovard's website
Brian Wilson is a nationally-known radio and television host, author, speaker, and consultant with more than 50 years experience in media as host, News/Program Director, and Owner. His periodic scribblings can be found on Substack and his website. You can find ALL of Brian's podcasts on his Substack page.
On Facebook, check out Brian's page along with his 50 Stories: 50 Years in Radio page and of course, the Now For Something Completely Different Facebook page. Brian's books can be found on Amazon.